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And It Shall Be Written...........

Not being a Professional Writer, this is being written to portray the following Factual Information to those persons who have ever thought about, or Used, or Abused Drugs, with the intent of "Feeling Good", "Gettin' High", or any other Misuse for "Self-Content", All of which are unfortunately Extremely Temporary Escapes from Real Life..and All Foolishly Chancing the Extreme Permanent Damage That Occurs to not only themselves, but also to all who are close to them...To those who Mock and have False Beliefs, only fooling themselves in the end, "that this could never happen to them"...
this is a Written Warning of What Your Life Will Be....if you survive.

The Writing of this document is a Result of a Real Life Incident..caused by Drug Abuse..and the Terrible Effects to the User...and also to those around her. The writing of this was due to a Solemn Committment made by myself to God ...A Covenant between the Almighty ...and Me. And it is not to be taken lightly...especially by those who were there witnessing what God was doing.
Those who came and spent many distraught & vigillant hours at the hospitals,Knew first hand what they saw.....unfortunately human nature sometimes takes over after one realizes they actually saw God move,... and then they soon forget, and go back to their ways.
Thus God's Warning has been given, so that All should know,... through this Covenant.

     Terry was the first born to my wife and I on October 30, 1967. Everyone admired the cute little bundle that had eyes so sparkling and curly blonde hair. She was beautiful, perfect to us....and The Lord blessed her with perfect health.
     The years went by, ever quickly for a young married couple, two more beautiful girls, living the American Dream, and eventually with my son of a previous marriage. Everyone got along as any other family that has love as a foundation. Moving in our "new" community to a larger house (a nice within our means) we had a nice yard, a fireplace, a was home. Everyone gathered here on the Holidays and times were good.
     The kids were growing...finishing grade school and then onto High School. We attended a local Church, and all were Baptized there. Interest started slipping in the Church, and I take blame for not taking the lead and insisting on everyone to continue there. (after all, I've never known of a realtionship with God to be a Bad Influence)
     Terry being the oldest of the girls began dating with our permission of who, what,when, and where. Then somewhere along the line...we lost her.
     Later as she grew alittle older, she met her present husband to be. Moved out...and things began to get strange. Then the Drug Use took over his life and hers. (Though she had said she used drugs before)
     All their "friends" were also users. It was a complete cycle. Each denying the other's usage, as well as their own..never wanting to let their secrets be known by "outsiders",..... their parents, and the community. That is the way of the Addict...Self-Denial to themselves, and Denial to Others. But now it could be felt..the secrecy, the hiding, the lying, the stealing, everything that goes with Addiction.
     It is said and believed that no one can be helped that doesn't want help, and that they must hit rock bottom in order to get off drugs. Somewhat True..however, I saw my daughter and her husband, and many others around them..hit rock bottom more than once, and yet they continued risking a hellish life that could only lead to Tragedy. A One-Way street that runs into a Brick Wall eventually. From pot, to pills, to cocaine, to heroin, the running of the Gauntlet is the same. They can never recover what they lost in money wasted, material things...bought and lost, nor full health. If you turn your back on God, eventually He will turn His on You, and let you learn the hard way.
     13 years later....just before her 32nd birthday, after being "clean" for 4 or so months, depression kicked in as her husband and she were still married, but living in seperate places , she made the mistake of "One More Time".....the one more time.... that always ends in being the most tragic of times.
      Apparently it was to much for her system, according to the Physcians...her husband came in, saw Terry "asleep" on the floor as she often did. Tried to get her up, and later went back in again and realized something very wrong. He called the Paramedics, rushed her to the Hospital. Later it was disclosed by the Physcians that she had coded 3 times...died, but somehow they were able to bring her back each time. But Her Body was shutting down... She lapsed into a coma.
     My wife and I lived in NC, and the phone rang that evening....when I heard Don's voice..I knew something bad was happening. He talked as well as he could and told me the situation. Then I had to tell my wife...and try and calm her. It was an 8 hour drive to Frederick Memorial, and Don had already told me the Doctors did not have much hope. All I could picture was having to bury our first baby..emotions ran high. stars      All through the night while driving, my wife and had had only few words to say. I realized she was very upset and she had been through depression only a few years before. I tried to comfort her...and we prayed. Would God hear me?...after I slipped away from Him so many years ago? One could only hope, and that was weak at best, for me at this tragic time.
     Arriving at the hospital, we were taken to the I.C. Unit, greeted by one of Terry's nurses who tried to basically forewarn us of what we were about to see. Upon entering the room, there was our daughter, a shocking site for anyone that has to see their loved ones, but this was our baby girl. Again emotions kicked in.
     The tubes keeping her functioning, realizes soon that this is all that is keeping her going. My wife and I hugged and she said to me,.."my little heart is broken to a thousand peices"..all I could do was try and hold back and comfort her some the best I could. All the emotions were going through me..Fear, Pain,Hate, Love,the Urge to Kill, it was all there. We were in For a Long Long Stay.
     Friends and Family were coming in to the waiting room, all were supportive..and some had doubts. I received a wake up call then. If there was to be a Terry...then there had to be sincere Prayer and Asking. During her long stay while in a coma, she never responded physically to stimuli , several times we were told that if she would happen to come out of this coma, it was realistic from all her signs, that she only had 1 chance out of 1,000.... to not being in a vegetative state...if she lived. More emotion.
     My wife would stay there with her..and keep me posted. I had to get back to NC to take care of things.Before going, my wife and I made many trips to the Hospital Chapel, and as well as by myself, on our knees, asking the Lord to intervene and heal her, give her another chance. It was then that I made This Covenant with God....and shortly before leaving to NC, Terry immediately showed small... but significant signs of improvement...God was listening!
     When I got back to NC, I immediately contacted members of a Metal Detecting Group on the Internet that I belonged to. And all began Praying.....through one member...a Church in Arkansas...gave intercedent Prayers for Terry and my wife and I as well. My wife's church Prayed..To All of These people I am ever grateful.
     At last Terry had things going for her....the wonderful Medical Doctors and Nurses at Frederick Memorial Hospital, and the Staff, and now... God was listening...and acting. It was still to be a long road, learning to walk, talk, to feed herself, even just the simple use of a spoon or fork, it was to be 3 more months before she was able to leave Kernan's Hospital, a very special hospital for brain damaged persons, where she was transferred to for Therapy.
      Terry, given a second chance, after her initial medical negative diagnose, was breathing, seeing, talking, walking........she became the 1 out of 1,000....thanks to God, the caring medical attention, the competant physcians, and I believe, her Angelic Nurses....though she still has some disabilities, (perhaps as a reminder and warning to her and to all who had seen this.. from God?)
     Terry is 1 out of 1,000.! Are you willing to stake your Life..... against those odds? Could your loved ones...stand the Heartbreak and Heartache? stars      It is my Prayer, that you who are using, or even thinking about using, find and seek help in staying off all drugs, turn to The Lord's Grace, receive His Strength to overcome. Seek Him, Ask Him in All Sincerity, and He Will Set You Free to live a better rewarding life.
All He asks, from You in turn...and to Help Others Find Him... And when you feel you are slipping...get on your knees ...again, and again... and Ask to receive His strength to keep you off.

     My Humble and Sincere Thanks also to The Lord For the Paramedics, the Outstanding Staff of Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD, and Kernan's Hospital, Baltimore, MD.... Nurses, Doctors, Every Employee, and All Who Prayed, all of whom not only helped Terry Lynn... but my wife and I... as well. Thank You.
A Job Truly Well Done

      Footnote:.      Time in your life is growing shorter...never longer....and You Are Always just One Heartbeat away from Eternity.
With that said..where will you spend Eternity...
You have a choice... But only one,... and it must be taken.. Now... beforeline that last heartbeat.line
          Just Pray in sincerity.."Lord Jesus, I am a Sinner, I want to Live a Normal Life, Please Free Me From All Bondages of Drugs and Alcohol and Make Me Become the Person You Want Me to be. I Believe You Were Born of a Virgin Birth, the Only Son of God.. Given by God to Save Us, that You were Whipped, Beaten, Bruised, and Spat on by Disbelievers, and then... Crucified. And then according to God's Plan...You were Resurrected in Three Days.....I Thank You For The Precious Blood that you Shed on Calvary for My Sins, and I Ask You Jesus to Forgive My Sins and Come Into My Heart. In Jesus's Mighty Name...AMEN
     Pray to Him often..especially when you feel you are slipping back, seek out a Church for reinforcement, and stick to the will Succeed!
to a better day line